Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2016!
2015 has been a very succesful year for NorNet. The NorNet Core testbed has grown to 20 sites, now including 7 sites outside of Norway. FreeBSD support with custom VMs has become available in NorNet Core, allowing for example interesting experiments with state-of-the-art Concurrent Multi-Path Transfer for the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (CMT-SCTP). Also, we organised the very successful third NorNet Users Workshop (NNUW-3) with about 50 participants.
In the coming year, we will continue to grow NorNet with some additional sites for NorNet Core as well as NorNet Edge. Furthermore, many more research results from the ongoing experiments, at Simula as well as by other researchers, are going to be published.
Have a regular look at this website to keep up-to-date on the status of NorNet!