Dynamic Multi-Homing Setup (DynMHS) is now officially available! DynMHS dynamically sets up IP routing rules, to allow for using multiple network connections simultaneously. That is, for each relevant network interface, a separate routing table is created and maintained. For each source address of a network interface managed by DynMHS, routing rules are maintained to point to the corresponding routing table. Software binding to a specific interface address can then use a specific network. In addition, multi-homing-capable network protocols like the Multi-Path TCP (MPTCP) or the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) can take advantage of multi-homing for redundancy and load balancing.
For details, see: https://www.nntb.no/~dreibh/dynmhs/!
Also see https://code.simula.no/ for more open source software projects developed at the Simula Research Laboratory!