Today, as part of the NorNet tutorial series, a tutorial of NorNet Core has been presented by Thomas Dreibholz (托马斯博士) to master students of the College of Information Science and Technology (CIST) at Hainan University (海南大学) in Haikou (海口). The CIST is involved in research on resilient networks since many years, for example on Reliable Server Pooling (RSerPool) and the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP). Also, CIST became the first location of a NorNet Core site outside of Europe.
The new master students will now mainly focus their research on multi-path transport with IPv6 and Multi-Path TCP (MPTCP). With NorNet Core, they get a powerful tool for their research! They are soon going to make use of testbed infrastructure for the research work on the improvements of Internet application performances!
The presented slides can be found here: Dreibholz, Thomas: «NorNet at Hainan University: Getting Started with NorNet Core» (PDF, 7286 KiB, ), Tutorial at Hainan University, College of Information Science and Technology (CIST), Haikou, Hainan/People’s Republic of China, April 16, 2019, [BibTeX, XML].