Simula Research Laboratory / Center for Resilient Networks and Applications / NorNet
Homepage of Thomas Dreibholz / BibTeXConv Homepage

A BibTeX file converter

📰 News

💡 Description

BibTeXConv is a BibTeX file converter which allows to export BibTeX entries to other formats, including customly defined text output. Furthermore, it provides the possibility to check URLs (including MD5, size and MIME type computations) and to verify ISBN and ISSN numbers.

😀 Examples

Have a look into /usr/share/doc/bibtexconv/examples/ (or corresponding path of your system) for example export scripts. The export scripts contain the commands which are read by bibtexconv from standard input.

📦 Binary Package Installation

Please use the issue tracker at to report bugs and issues!

Ubuntu Linux

For ready-to-install Ubuntu Linux packages of BibTeXConv, see Launchpad PPA for Thomas Dreibholz!

sudo apt-add-repository -sy ppa:dreibh/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install bibtexconv

Fedora Linux

For ready-to-install Fedora Linux packages of BibTeXConv, see COPR PPA for Thomas Dreibholz!

sudo dnf copr enable -y dreibh/ppa
sudo dnf install bibtexconv


For ready-to-install FreeBSD packages of BibTeXConv, it is included in the ports collection, see FreeBSD ports tree index of converters/bibtexconv/!

pkg install bibtexconv

Alternatively, to compile it from the ports sources:

cd /usr/ports/converters/bibtexconv
make install

💾 Sources Download

BibTeXConv is released under the GNU General Public Licence (GPL).

Please use the issue tracker at to report bugs and issues!

Development Version

The Git repository of the BibTeXConv sources can be found at

git clone
cd bibtexconv
cmake .


Current Stable Release

The tarball has been signed with my GnuPG key 21412672­518D8B2D­1862EFEF­5CD5D12A­A0877B49. Its authenticity and integrity can be verified by:

gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 21412672518D8B2D1862EFEF5CD5D12AA0877B49
gpg --verify bibtexconv-<VERSION>.tar.xz.asc bibtexconv-<VERSION>.tar.xz

Old Releases

The tarballs have been signed with my GnuPG key 21412672­518D8B2D­1862EFEF­5CD5D12A­A0877B49. Its authenticity and integrity can be verified by:

gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 21412672518D8B2D1862EFEF5CD5D12AA0877B49
gpg --verify bibtexconv-<VERSION>.tar.xz.asc bibtexconv-<VERSION>.tar.xz