Simula Research Laboratory /
Center for Resilient Networks and Applications /
Homepage of Thomas Dreibholz /
Generating Random Graphs Homepage
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These programs are the implementation to my seminar talk "Generierung zufälliger Graphen" (Generating Random Graphs), based on the paper Nicholas C. Wormald, "Generating Random Regular Graphs" An application for random graphs are testing and verificating graph algorithms; for example checking some properties of a graph like being connected, 2-connected, n-connected, etc..
Generarion of random bipartite graphs.
Generarion of random cubic graphs (all vertices have degree 3).
Generarion of random graphs.
Generarion of BOPS (bi-connected, planar graphs).
Generarion of MOPS (BOPs having maximum number of edges).
This is a Qt/KDE-based Linux program to display and print the generated graphs. It also
supports saving to PostScript files, Drag and Drop, multiple windows, ... .
An English locale is included, too.
Click here to view some screenshots!